The Political Advisory Panel of America will deliver three transparency tools not available via current methods of advising legislators – Advisory Voting Metrics, Accountability Score Cards, Voter Guides.
- Constituents will be willing to abandon traditional methods of advising their legislators to access and participate in the three transparency aids that will be available through the Political Advisory Panel of America. The more constituents participate through PAPA, the more these tools will press legislators to be more accountable to their constituents.
- PAPA's three transparency aids, Advisory Voting (AV) Metrics, Accountability Scorecards, and Voter Guides (all described on this page), will help PAPA to become more POWERFUL than tradition methods of advising representatives and senators.
- On a daily basis, the PAPA website will publish updated tallies of 'yea' Advisory Votes and 'nay' Advisory Votes generated through the PAPA application by verified voting-eligible citizens. These daily tallies, called Advisory Voting Metrics, are accrued separately for each bill and for each representative and senator.
- Generalized Advisory Voting Metrics will be available to the public, but more useful detailed state-wide and detailed congressional district-wide Advisory Voting Metrics will be available to participating Advisory Voters and legislators alike. In both generalized and detailed metrics, the privacy of each Advisory Voting constituent is preserved. See link in title above for differences between generalized and detailed Advisory Voting Metrics.
Benefits of Advisory Voting Metrics
- For hundreds of thousands of constituents in each congressional district, access to Advisory Voting Metrics will provide legislative transparency AND hard data to augment form letters from their legislators. Transparency builds trust and trust builds participation. PAPA's additional data prevents constituents from feeling marginalized by their representatives or senators.
- For legislators, these metrics not only provide a running poll of voter directives, but the final tally also provides measurable congressional district-wide and senatorial state-wide constituent input before the final vote on each bill (i.e.: the volume of citizens responding plus their directive for action).
- Following the final vote on each bill by the House of Representatives or the Senate, the PAPA website will publish generalized and detailed Accountability Scorecards output by the PAPA application for each legislator (see link in title above for differences between generalized and detailed Accountability Scorecards). For a given bill, detailed Accountability Scorecards will inform every participating Advisory Voter exactly how THEIR representative and senators voted compared to the majority of constituent advice received through PAPA from THEIR congressional district and state.
- Of course, Advisory Voters can also independently compare their personal Advisory Vote to the vote cast by their legislators.
- Because PAPA provides legislators with space to post their early point of view for each bill for constituent review, Accountability Scorecards will also indicate if representatives’ and senators’ final votes are the same or different than their early point of view on the bill.
- PAPA also provides representatives and senators with space to explain their final vote on each bill to address their constituent concerns.