Today the Political Advisory Panel of America website is simply an informational site with a proposed method to unite constituents and their legislators in a collaborative manner. However, once the Political Advisory Panel of America application becomes operational, the website will morph to host the preferred application through which constituents can easily and effortlessly advise ALL their U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives to vote 'yea' or 'nay' on bills, resolutions, and other business that comes before Congress (and counsel the President to sign or veto appropriate legislation). Its use of Advisory Voting Metrics will permit better judgement of the levels of advice provided by constituents, and its use of Accountability Scorecards will permit better judgement of the representation delivered by legislators.
President Abraham Lincoln stated “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” The Political Advisory Panel of America goes a long way towards supporting Lincoln’s position on draining the political 'swamp' in the legislative branch. Moreover, by simplifying and aggregating constituent advice, PAPA creates a more powerful method of advising legislators than traditional methods, and delivers more benefits. PAPA’s ability to compare constituent advice to legislators' votes will be a beacon of transparency to determine if legislators are beholden to their constituents – or someone else.
It is also intended that the federal Political Advisory Panel of America will become a model for instituting separate state level Political Advisory Panels – one for each state (e.g.: PAPA for Texas). State PAPAs will accomplish for state governments, the same objectives as the federal PAPA attains for the federal government.
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Moving Forward
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, then please support the establishment of the Political Advisory Panel of America by alerting your congressmen and friends to this website. Together let’s strengthen the power of voting citizens and diminish the influence of special interest groups and party politics.
Join the effort to constitutionally realign our government with its people. Help make citizens, not the government, the starting point of solutions. Help combine American individualism (the ability to define ourselves and our ambitions, not having the government do it for us) with the American spirit of volunteerism to build an institution in the form of the Political Advisory Panel of America to bring solutions into local focus and family focus before we reach for bigger solutions.
Before political signs in our front yards become the front lines of political battles, let’s establish the Political Advisory Panel Of America (PAPA) as oversight for our representatives and senators in Washington D.C., and in our state capitals.
PAPA offers obvious improvements to our representative form of government, yet our elected officials may drag their feet to institute these improvements because these changes can appear to them as handcuffs and undeniable accountability.
A handful of state and federal representatives and senators, as well as several White House advisers and a state governor have already been apprised of the PAPA proposal. To date they have decided not to promote strengthening the power of citizen voters as proposed, or decided to ignore the proposal. Therefore , if these individuals are a fair representation of all our elected officials, IT WILL BE UP TO YOU, the individual, to promote PAPA as the improved and preferred method to both strengthen our government and drain the political swamp. Of course there are several current methods to advise your legislators, but NONE of them quantify the input legislators receive from their constituents or track legislators’ actions to compare their congressional vote to the promises they made or the advice they received. PAPA provides these solutions.
While it would be a strong vote of confidence in U.S. citizens to have Congress lead the effort to institute the Political Advisory Panel of America as a government run entity, it is not the only way to move forward. Trustworthy companies that excel and demonstrate honesty in the fields of databases, data analytics, and cyber security can also bring PAPA to life. Therefore, if you don’t get a positive response from your representative or senator, call your favorite radio and TV news personalities, write to the W.H. Office of American Innovation, write editorials in your favorite newspapers and magazines, and blog and post comments on your preferred social media with links to this website to promote PAPA and create a groundswell of grassroots support to convince Congress and/or encourage companies to institute federal and state PAPAs.
Consider also using the form below to send your comments and ideas. Let us know:
Thank you for investigating the Political Advisory Panel of America.
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