1. CITIZENS: After nearly 250 years, for a large number of voters. the love for country has diminished to the point where indifferent and misinformed citizens believe they can bestow more benefits upon themselves by voting for representatives who promise them the most benefits - benefits paid by the public treasury. But as political parties selfishly continue their promises and ramp up their efforts to victimize us and divide us to join them and strengthen their party, the national debt continues to rise. From 1940 to 2017 the national debt averaged 62% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But in 2017 the U.S. national debt grew to exceed 105% of the U.S. GDP. And according to www.JustFacts.com, at the end of July 2020 the national debt rose to 126% of GDP! What does that mean? Said differently, that means the national debt is 126% times the annual market value of all the goods and services produced for sale by our economy, or more than seven (7) times the annual revenues of the federal government, or the equivalent to $80,367 of debt for every person in the U.S., or $206,293 debt for every U.S. household!
2. REPRESENTATIVES: Prior to becoming the second President of the U.S., John Adams expressed that the role of an elected representative was to “Know no good, separate from that of his subjects.” While the intent was to have well connected legislators and constituents, history has proven the execution of the role of an elected legislator has changed, and not for the better. Today it appears our elected officials expend more energy communicating with non-constituents than with constituents, and many federal legislative candidates promise their constituents to vote one way, but vote the opposite once they’re in Washington D.C.. Therefore, just as President Ronald Reagan applied the Russian proverb ‘Trust, but verify’ to the U.S. relationship with the Russian government, so too should U.S. citizens apply the same admonishment to their elected U.S. officials. PAPA will give constituents the tools to not only advise their legislators, but also to evaluate them to verify they are worthy of re-election.
1. U.S. legislative processes require a modern update to make our government more of a "GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE” (President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg, PA). Just as Congress and Presidents have formed committees, departments, and agencies to help execute their legislative and executive branch responsibilities; so too must the Political Advisory Panel of America be formed to help citizens perform their civic responsibilities in their government. And just as Congress plays an oversight role for the executive branch, citizens participating in PAPA will play an oversight role for Congress. PAPA will be an online solution to reinvigorate and refresh the required dialog to help both citizens and legislators better execute their roles in government. The proposed solution will simplify legislators’ ability to educate their constituents on their legislative positions, and will raise the frequency and quantity of advice voters provide their legislators. PAPA will be a permanent institution lasting through many administrations to come. Perhaps it will be the first institution to enable what some may call the ‘Citizens Branch’ of the U.S. government. PAPA is the ‘missing link’ for the modern U.S. citizen to plug-into their legislative process.
2. America’s freedoms and rights may begin in our hearts and minds, but our actions and votes execute and preserve them. We must unite to reclaim what belongs to the citizens of the United States. Today is the time to get the United States BACK ON TRACK by strengthening the voice of citizens in the minds and hearts of legislators – by ESTABLISHING the POLITICAL ADVISORY PANEL OF AMERICA (PAPA). Abraham Lincoln warned us: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” PAPA will help citizens prevent legislators from leading America astray.
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