1. The proposed Political Advisory Panel of America (PAPA) is a powerful new method to build voter participation and constituent trust in their legislators. It fulfills ALL the needs and performs ALL the roles for voters and legislators listed on the previous web page (with the exception of electronic voting in Congress - an expense and effort each chamber must undertake on their own). Therefore, PAPA will be an excellent solution to fix many problems in Congress.
2. PAPA is a win-win proposal with a double blessing:
1. Political parties would have us believe elections are all about them. Political parties tell us to help them generate a “blue wave” or “red wave” for this election or that election, beating their chest as to the importance of voting to keep one party or the other in power. Truth be told, elections are NOT about political parties at all! Elections are about electing INDIVIDUALS. The framers of the Constitution assumed senators and representatives would be DIRECTLY connected to the people, to discuss and exchange opinions with their constituents on which issues and positions on those issues are important. PAPA will reestablish that direct connection to help America experience a new 'wave' of CITIZEN voters performing their civic duty in EVERY election - a "White Wave", in ever increasing numbers, as the voting population increases. In science, white is the representation of all colors, and on the U.S. flag white signifies purity and innocence. In every election, the country needs citizens of ALL viewpoints with purity of purpose to vote for what is best for AMERICA, not to keep a political party in power!
2. The United States of America was formed without political parties. The U.S. Constitution makes no mention of political parties. Many of the country’s founding fathers and many of the framers of the U.S. Constitution expressed hopes that political parties would NOT be an element in the country’s federal government.
3. Nevertheless, due to the nature of man, the first political parties were formed during George Washington’s administration. The intention of political parties is to influence voters to persuade them to unite with the party’s chosen representatives and senators to enact legislation supporting the party's views. History has demonstrated that over time political parties more often advertise centralist views to potential members in the hopes of attracting more voters to pass laws in favor of the party’s views - yet once in power, political parties frequently move ‘left’ or ‘right’ of their expressed central viewpoints. Too frequently this results in pursuing legislative options that are best to keep a party in power, rather than choosing options to better America!
4. In George Washington's 1796 farewell address, he warned Americans about the dangers of political parties. In regards to political parties, Washington stated: (Italics and bold emphases added.)
In a nutshell, Washington warned that party partisanship would lead to political conflict, divisions among the nation, and oppression of the people through tyranny and despotism. Most, if not all, of Washington’s predictions concerning the ills of political parties have come true!
5. It is said that man should not be judged by his words alone, but also by his actions. So too in politics can 'actions speak louder’ than words. While political parties have the potential benefit of achieving more citizen participation in their government, their chosen means appear to be through the introduction of conflict, division, and insurrection – as warned by President Washington. Additionally, many times the actions of political parties appear to put legislators at odds with their constituents in order for legislators to capture financial and political rewards from their political party! Therefore the actions of today’s political parties DO NOT greatly demonstrate the ability to make America a more united and stronger nation. Rather, the opposite appears true. America is judged by many in the U.S. and around the world to be a more divided and weaker nation – due to the actions of political parties.
6. PAPA will provide citizens with the tools to advise, and the transparency to evaluate, INDIVIDUAL LEGISLATORS REGARDLESS of party affiliation. PAPA will enable citizens to be able to vote in general elections based on the INDIVIDUAL RECORD of each legislator, NOT their party! PAPA will ALIGN AMERICA once again WITH ITS PEOPLE, NOT with any political party.
1. Deliverables from the Political Advisory Panel of America include the following:
2. PAPA will unite our voices peacefully, constructively, and fairly – just as a good ‘papa’ would encourage us to do.
1. Just as a father, or papa, of a family has responsibilities to love, guide, advise, motivate, discipline, and otherwise influence the loved ones in his family; so too will be the responsibility and intention of the federal Political Advisory Panel of America in regards to the relationship between constituents (the papa) and their elected federal legislators (the extended family).
2. And just as the papa of a family should rightfully exercise greater influence over those he guides - over and above the influences of employers, businesses, schools, governments, and other entities; so too should the vote of the individual citizen hold greater influence on that individual’s elected federal legislators - over and above the influences of money and positions of power promised by corporations, political parties, and special interest groups.
3. In 1787, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to Edward Carrington, a lieutenant colonel in the Continental Army who was serving in the Continental Congress of 1786-1787 for the state of Virginia. In that letter, Jefferson referenced his concerns for the future of our then relatively new country, as well as for its future citizens. He wrote “If once they [citizens] become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and governors, shall all become wolves.” Jefferson was voicing a concern that if left unchecked, the general nature of man would cause those in the seats of our government to fall away from their principles and be led astray with every man looking out for his self-interest – acting like wolves in a wolf pack. Yet in the same letter, Jefferson expressed hope for leaders to properly execute their roles, or to be corrected by citizens, as long as citizens remained active in their government. The Political Advisory Panel of America is a proposed modern virtual institution that will help keep U.S. citizens attentive to and active in their government, thus preventing the wolf pack from preying on its constituents.
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