Accountability Scorecards will provide the second step of a two-step performance evaluation - evaluating the relationship between legislators and their constituents. The first step of measuring constituent input will be performed by Advisory Voting Metrics as reviewed on the previous web page. The second step of evaluating outcomes will be performed by Accountability Scorecards.
Once legislators vote on a bill (or other business in Congress), PAPA will compare each legislator’s vote to his or her majority advice received through PAPA for that bill. The results will be published on the PAPA website as individual legislators’ Accountability Scorecards.
For the general public, the PAPA application will create and post on the PAPA website a generalized Accountability Scorecard for each chamber, NOT for individual legislators (see accompanying example of a general scorecard). ADDITIONALLY, Verified and Registered (VAR) Participants on the Panel who cast an Advisory Vote on a bill will be given access to detailed Accountability Scorecards on that bill – one scorecard for each of their legislators (see accompanying detail scorecard example). Legislators' detailed Accountability Scorecards will identify if they voted in agreement or disagreement with their own constituents’ majority advice received through the Political Advisory Panel of America, and whether or not each legislator agreed or disagreed with their original position posted for that bill on the PAPA website.
In addition to providing 'space' for legislators to post their early views on bills, the Political Advisory Panel’s website will also provide space for members of Congress to explain WHY they voted with or against majority advice received from their Advisory Voter constituents.
Once PAPA has been established for a number of years, a generalized legislator Accountability Scorecard may appear to the public as shown in this example for House bill H.R. 1000.
Contrasting the public’s view, citizens who become Verified and Registered (VAR) Participants on the Panel AND cast an Advisory Vote on a bill will ALSO have access to detailed legislator Accountability Scorecards for that bill. A detailed Accountability Scorecard may appear as shown in this example for House bill H.R. 1000.
Historical summaries of Accountability Scorecards will also be published on the PAPA website prior to each U.S. general election. These summaries create legislative Voter Guides which will be handy tools for voters to help evaluate their representatives and senators running for re-election. Of course, Advisory Voters will also be able to independently judge the frequency their elected legislators agreed or disagreed with their own personal advice.
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